gambling haram

gambling haram

Gambling: A Forbidden Act in IslamThe concept of gambling juwa is strictly prohibited in Islam, deemed haram forbidden. This prohibition stems from multiple sources within the Islamic faith, including the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.The Quran explicitly condemns gambling in several verses, highlighting its detrimental effects on individuals and society. For instance, Surah AlMaidah 5:90 states: O you who believe! Intoxicants alcoholic drinks, gambling, idols stones for worship, and divining arrows are an abomination of Satans handiwork. Avoid them that you may be successful.This verse clearly emphasizes the association of gambling with evil and the need to abstain from it to achieve success in both this life and the hereafter.Prophet Muhammad further reinforced this prohibition through his sayings hadith. He is reported to have said: Whoever eats from the earnings of gambling, it is as if he has eaten the flesh and blood of a dead person.This powerful analogy underlines the grave sinfulness of engaging in gambling and benefiting from its illgotten gains.The Islamic prohibition against gambling is not merely a matter of religious observance. It is grounded in the fundamental principles of justice, fairness, and social responsibility. Gambling thrives on the exploitation of others, creating winners at the expense of losers. It promotes greed, addiction, and financial instability, undermining the wellbeing of individuals and families.Furthermore, Islam encourages ethical and morally sound ways of earning a living. It emphasizes hard work, honesty, and mutual cooperation as the foundation of a prosperous and just society. Gambling, however, contradicts these values, perpetuating a system based on chance and luck, rather than effort and merit.Therefore, Muslims are obligated to abstain from gambling in all its forms, regardless of the stakes involved. Engaging in this forbidden act not only attracts the wrath of Allah but also jeopardizes ones spiritual and worldly wellbeing. In conclusion, gambling stands as a clear example of haram activity in Islam, rooted in divine revelation and guided by the teachings of the Prophet. It is a practice that should be avoided at all costs, for the sake of individual and societal prosperity, both in this world and the hereafter.

gambling haram